Spezielle Dienstleistungen für Geflüchtete/ special services for refugees

Allgemeine Informationen zu dem Thema Geflüchtete finden Sie beim Kommunalen Integrationszentrum des Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreises unter folgendem Link: Kommunales Integrationszentrum - Ennepe Ruhr Kreis

In English

The Jobcenter EN wants to help you find a job. Thats why special employees are taking care of your requirements. You are finding them in every location of the Jobcenter EN.

To find a job its especially important to learn the german language. The employees can help you to sign up for a language course. The courses (integration course and language course) are sponsored by the federal ministry for migration and refugees, called the "Bundesministerium für Migration und Flüchtlinge" in german. You can find further informations through this link: http://www.bamf.de/DE/Themen/MigrationAufenthalt/ZuwandererDrittstaaten/Bildung/Sprachkurs/sprachkurs-node.html

The special employees are also consulting you on apprenticeships, studying or working. They also help you, if you want to have your qualifications accepted.

Furthermore it's very important that you participate in the sponsored so called "Eingliederungsmaßnahmen" from the JC. These are measures to integrate you in work.

- Perspektiven im Erwerbsleben (PiE) | vhs Ennepe-Ruhr-Süd | Perspektiven im Erwerbsleben (PiE) (vhs-en-sued.com)

- http://www.drkwitten.de/angebote/migration-und-integration/migrationsberatung.html

- http://vhs.hattingen.de/index.php?id=93

- http://awo-en.de/beratung_zur_beruflichen_entwicklung

You will find genereal information about the topic refugees here: http://www.enkreis.de/bildungintegration/kommunales-integrationszentrum.html